Vickie Hyde Corey

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  The Glad Game
It was a beautiful, wonderful spring. It was the time for term papers, recitals, and final exams. Then Sue dropped the bomb. “I want to be a student missinary, Vic, and I think you should be one with me.” And so it began without much fuss or bother. And neither Vickie nor Sue could have dreamed the interim before it ended. But even if they had anticipated the potpourri of frustrations and fun, slights and serendipity, losses and laughter, adversity and adventure, they surely would have gone. After all, it was the chance of a lifetime, and they were young and Christian and committed—and . there was always the glad game to take them through
the worst. A wonderful book that tells an SM story like it really
was—not all good, not all . .. bad, but a stimulating mixture of both.


Vickie Hyde Corey was 20 years old when she and her friend Sue lived the Sierra Leone adventures recorded in The Glad Game. Upon her return to the United States she resumed her studies at Andrews University and, after her marriage to Craig Corey, at Columbia Union College She was still attending school when she wrote the manuscript, and as far as is known she is the first person to have published a book while still a full-time undergraduate stud ent at the college.
Vickie likes domestic activities such as cooking, talking to children, and making stuffed animals. As a musically inclined person, one of her favorite memories is that of singing ‘A Mighty Fortress” in a Waldensian cave.
She keeps in touch with Sue, now Mrs. Dan Wohlers, because their lives are bound with a kinship that could only be made possible by that wonderful year together, and besides, they like each other.


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