Molly K Rankin

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Excitement, challenge, and contribution still mark the modern missionary’s life. With vigor, perception, and with a tear or two, Molly Rankin tells her story about her years in the bush of Papua New Guinea. Especially important is her description of how an emerging country assumes the responsibility of self-government. Chapter titles include Clearing Customs, Daddy Is Dead, Courtesy Week, Snakebite, The Peacemaking Elephant, A Wrecked Land Rover, Delivering Babies—Alone, A New Guinea Christmas, Necktie for the Council, The Flag Comes Down. Molly Kathleen Rankin, mother of four and wife of Ian (pastor, school principal, mission director), spins yarn from raw fleece and spins “yarns” from daily events for her many eager readers around the world. That is, when she is not midwifing babies and teaching sewing and cooking as well as correspondence lessons to her children. In addition to I Heard Singing, she has authored many articles for Guide, Insight, Signs of the Times, and the Australasian Record. At the present time Ian and Molly are living with all their family together again in Christchurch, New Zealand.

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