Ray Browneye

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Through African Skies
Authentically, dramatically, and, at times, humorously, pilot Ray Browneye shares the traumas and triumphs of his personal adventures in flight. He dealt with enormous thunderheads, dangerous updrafts, races against time with critically-ill passengers, mechanical failures, and precarious landing sites. Ray reveals firsthand the disappointment, frustration, danger, surprise, and joy that are all part of a missionary bush pilot’s life. All who are generally interested in missions will be inspired. For those especially curious about mission aviation or in training for this specialized ministry, Through African Skies provides a substantive and realistic concept of small-craft piloting in remote areas.
This book has a unique way of presenting the realities of mission flying from a very credible viewpoint. The first-person accounts, actual names and places, as well as the practical philosophy of aviation as a service, come through loud and clear.
. .the treatment of various issues is sensitive, but leaves no doubt about the difficulties and personal strains.
Dirk E. Van Dam
Director, Moody Aviation
Ray Browneye
is a mission aviation pilot serving the Christian Reformed Church. He is a graduate of Reformed Bible College in Grand Rapids. He completed a two-year aviation course at Western Michigan University and numerous other aviation courses.

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